The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Second verse, same as the first...but hopefully with a different outcome! :)

Well, we've got a "Code Red" over here in our household, so that's a definitive "not preggers" this time around.  :( AF attacked me mercilessly at work today, prompting an emergency trip to the local Rite Aid at lunch hour.  Ever notice how much sales clerks like to make small talk and chit chat when you've handed them a giant box of feminine hygiene products and a value size bottle of Pamprin??  I thought I was going to attack when the sales clerk suggested I fill out an application for their Rewards Card!  Ha!  Come on woman I'm obviously having a problem here!!  :)  

Oh was a good first pregnancy attempt and at least now I know the process, know how I react to the meds, and know what to expect the next time around.  We will have our family, it just won't be a 2010 tax deduction!  That's OK though, my Mom has a late December birthday and she said she wouldn't recommend it!  My birthday is in January, and I'd gladly share it with our daughter or son!  Hopefully that will be the case and May will bring us a BFP!  

So, for the time being I will muddle through this AF and get ready for next month.  I've got plenty to keep me busy, CD3 ultrasound/bloodwork on Friday, yardwork extravaganza on Saturday, dinner with an old enemy (a story for another posting) on Saturday night, and a good friend's baby shower on Sunday!  Good stuff!  :)  Plus, I had an interview for a new job on Tuesday, and I'm really hoping that works out and I get a second interview next week!  Yay!  


2 Chicks 1 Hatchling said...

I never like seeing a negative - but it sounds like your spirits are still pretty high.
It is a relief to know what to expect now, isn't it?
You'll get there! Enjoy all your activities.

Nicole said...

Definitely bummed for you that it didn't work the first time, but glad you seem ready to gear up for try #2 in good spirits. I hope you post about "dinner with the enemy." So curious to hear the story!

e said...

boo! Sorry it didnt work our for either of us.. but as you said, on to the next. Funny, we stayed on the EXACT SAME cycle. Lets see what happens this time around!

LDT: Blog said...

So sorry your first try didn’t happen I was wishin on beginners luck for you. Here’s to a wonderfully conceptive May!