IUI #1 is complete! Above is a picture of my lovely 24 mm egg being fertilized by our super manly swimmers! Thanks to our wonderful RE for providing this "action shot".... Heeheehee....
So, the infamous 2-week wait begins in our household! Yippee!! I was laying on the table today waiting for the doc to come in and do the deed and I was thinking it was really surreal that we were finally at this point! B and I have talked about kids for years, but it always seemed like such a distant event. In my mind, 30 was the magic number for starting our family, and at the time B and I met, 30 was 6 years away so it seemed like we had FOREVER to plan and get ready for having babies. Now that I'm 31 and we're starting this process it seems like 6 years ago was yesterday and wholly crap, the time to make the babies is now! Seems crazy -- but exciting at the same time!
We have high hopes for this cycle...bloodwork has been coming back great, eggs are nice and big, swimmer sample was great and "very active" according to the doc, and tonight my ovulation predictor stick showed that I ovulated sometime today (last night it was negative), so I'm really hoping we can be one of the lucky ones and hit it out of the park on the first try! Keeping fingers, toes, and eyes crossed....well maybe not the eyes...
Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Easter!! :)
Yay! Congratulations on IUI #1! It's quite an experience, isn't it? hehe
Everything sounds great (esp the timing!) - I hope you have lift off on the first try!
Everythings crossed! All the best and hoping you have a quick & painless TWW
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