The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fast Forward!

Today I went in for my CD12 ultrasound and bloodwork and was expecting the worst and hoping for the best... and I did indeed get lucky!  

My lining was awesome at 11 mm!!

Righty decided not to really join the party this month - a bunch of small follies and one 12.

But about an over-achiever this month!  I have a 25 and 23 on the left side!  Yay!  

My bloodwork showed that I was already moving towards ovulation, so they told me to take the Ovidrel as soon as I could, which ended up being around 6 pm since I was at work when the RE's call came in.  They want me to come back in tomorrow AM super early to check bloodwork again, just to make sure that I ovulated or am in the process of ovulating, and the IUI should be tomorrow afternoon!  

I was shocked!  The last 2 IUI's were after CD14, but this cycle I'm rip roarin' ready to go at CD13!  Maybe this is a good sign!  I'll take any good signs I can get at this point!  

Please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow.... I'm really hoping this is "the one"!  :)  


2 Chicks 1 Hatchling said...

Wow - 23 and 25! Those follies are ready to go for sure. Big numbers.
Sending you much baby making luck!

Trinity said...

All sounds really good! Fingers crossed