Hello to my 6 faithful readers in Blogville! Just wanted to post a quick update....I had my progesterone level checked today, allegedly CD 19, and it was 6.7. They said that number indicates I ovulated about 3 days ago, so that means the Clomid worked! Timing was bad this cycle, but at least the meds grew me an egg (or eggs)! Yay! So...I'm supposed to call the RE when the red crusader shows up and start the ultrasound, bloodwork, Clomid cycle over again! Hopefully with some better timing and a positive pregnancy test in April! :)
In other aspects of life, things are going pretty well. Spring is beginning to show itself here in NC, so that's been a nice change! The pups have an appointment on Friday with the dreaded veterinarian...ick... I'm looking forward to it almost as much as they are (note sarcasm). My darling little Madeline, the 9 year old miniature wirehaired dachshund insists on embarassing me each and every time we go to the vet. Without fail, and no matter how many times she "does her business" before we arrive, she conjures up the most revolting and putrid diarrhea possible and deposits it on the floor of the vet office mere minutes after entering. It is so horrific that on more than one occasion, the staff of the vet clinic has had to light candles to "deal" with it! So humiliating!! Perhaps she creates her masterpiece in anticipation of the vet bill....God only knows the vet bill is usually high enough for me to want to create a little pile of my own on their floor...whew.... things to look forward to at the end of the week....sigh.... :)
Maddie....aka The Little Shit....
Maddie....aka The Little Shit....
Sorry I'm late to comment on your last post also. I'm curious as to why the Doc didn't want to do the IUI based on your progesterone. If they checked your follies and they are still there...then you haven't ovulated and you can let them grow until big enough to trigger, right? Hmmm I guess each Doc has their own protocol. Next time though!!!
I have to say, the doggie at the vet story totally made me giggle. Poor pup is just too nervous! I had one years ago that would shed 300 pounds of hair everywhere and fart the whole time. haha Maybe you should bring the staff some pretty candles next time!
Well things are looking up!! Next month will be your month!!
Seems like everything is on track, I’m excited to see the next month develop!
Yay for ovulation!
My dog used to do the same thing when going to a vet... the vet finally told me that he does it out of stress or excitement. Apparently the stress/excitement causes his bowels to become irritated which would then leave a very very nasty surprise! Eventually he grew out of it...
All - thanks for your well wishes and dog stories....glad to know I'm not the only one who has these experiences! I was thinking my dogs had a personal vendetta against me! Ha!
2 Chicks....According to the RE's office, my progesterone level on Day 12 was signaling impending ovulation and my follies were not fully developed yet. Guess they didn't get the memo...lol. Honestly I had such a freaky cycle last month with my "friend" showing up midway through my active BCP's, I think my body was totally confused. I'm hoping for less hormone confusion this month...lol.
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