The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, August 8, 2010

And cue the pregnancy induced insanity....

It's official....pregnancy hormones suck the big one....for real.  Constantly cranky, exhausted, weepy, and a complete lack of sex drive!  Ugh....  Not to mention that my new thing is starting the day with a good hearty puke Monday thru Friday!  Quite sexy!!  I am sooo... ready to be out of the 1st trimester.... I'm on Week 11 now, so it won't be long, I'm just hoping the little seahorse decides to play nice and give me a break after Week 12.  

I have my nuchal scan coming up on August 18th, and I am very anxious about it.  There is a good chance that the scan could show the presence or absence of a chromosomal abnormality in our baby.  I have a balanced translocation of chromosomes 13 and 20, and therefore I'm at an increased risk of miscarriage.  So far everything is looking good, but my Mom has the translocation too and her miscarriages almost always occurred in the 2nd trimester, so I'm still on pins and needles.  Studies have shown that many chromosomal abnormalities result in increased nuchal measurements, so I'm really hoping that our numbers on the 18th will prove to be totally normal.  10 days stand between me and the test results and I'm thinking they will probably feel longer than the TWW.  

So, if any of my faithful blog readers are pray-ers, I'm taking every donation I can get!  :)  I'll keep you all updated!

Have a great week!!  :)  


2 Chicks 1 Hatchling said...

Sure sounds like you're having a pretty eventful first trimester! If it's any consolation, it's been said that puking your brains out is a good sign you won't miscarry. :) I had a pretty hormonal 1st tri also - mood wise anyway. Although I don't remember too many ups and downs Chris certainly does! Haha. She said I was pretty evil.
I wish you the best of luck on the nuchal scan. I was pretty anxious on that one also. Just remember to enjoy the rest of the pictures of your baby also. What is balanced translocation of chromosomes?