The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, July 26, 2010

Here he/she is....Mr./Miss. America..... :)

Today was our 9 week ultrasound and again soooo nervous.... I guess it comes with the pregnancy!  Anyways....all was well!  Yay!!  

Baby is growing right on schedule and looking great!  Heart beat was nice 'n strong at 175 beats per minute!  :)  But the best part was, we could actually see tiny arms and legs!!  And at one point during the ultrasound, he/she moved and did a little wiggle!  Too cute!!  

It makes all the nausea, occasional dry and not so dry heaves, exhaustion, and boob pain all the more worth it!  I'm officially released from the RE and I'll be making an appointment with my OB/GYN!  

Thanks readers for all of your opinions on "What Would You Do" from my last blog posting!  I think I've made a least for now.  I think I'm going to go with the OB that I really like, the single mom who used a sperm donor, and I'll just deal with the hospital if I have to.  I will be asking her however, what happens if I just go to the other hospital and take my chances with whomever is on call, unless she can assure me that she'll be there to deliver the baby.  I'm considering going on B's medical insurance after the first of the year, and that plan would cover my delivery at 95% if we use the nice local hospital, and 85% if we use the hospital we don't like, but that my OB delivers at.  95% of delivery costs covered sounds pretty darn good to me at this current plan covers me at 80% thru my work.   So at least that's one decision made....for now....only 2,000 more decisions to go!  Ha!  

Hope everyone is doing well....I've enjoyed keeping up on your blogs, even when I'm being lazy about updating my own!  ;)  

And now, without further ado.... introducing our little seahorse....isn't he/she cute?? LOL  Best looking baby-shaped blob on the block!  :)  


Carey said...

I am so happy for you guys!! Keep yourself healthy and have B do all the hard stuff around the house..this is your time to relax and take care of the babe!!

e said...

adorable! I love the early photos!

2 Chicks 1 Hatchling said...

Yay! That is one nice lookin' seahorse! hehe
Good luck on the hospital / Dr decision. Just keep in mind that majority of your birth experience will be with the nurses on staff, not the Dr. :)

lipstick said...

So excited for you both!!! That is a cute little seahorse!