The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 3 Results Are In! Secret Decoder Ring Needed! since I'm new to this, and apparently the weekend staff at the RE clinic is nowhere near as helpful as the weekday staff, I have no idea if my results are good, bad, or indifferent! So...I'm hoping one of my faithful readers can help de-mystify the results for me!

My Day 3 labs showed:

FSH: 7.23
LH: 11.3
Estrogen: 89.6 (thinking estrogen may be slightly elevated due to the fact that I took an "active" BCP on Thursday night and AF started on Friday. I had only taken 14 of the 24 "active" BCP's when AF arrived unexpectedly. Wondering if I have excess estrogen in my system leftover from the BCP's.)

Ultrasound showed:

Stripe: 4
Ovaries: Hurried, slightly rude doctor dude said "5, less than 15 - on both sides"

I'm guessing everything must have been normal, because they're letting me start 5 days of 100 mg Clomid, but I have no clue if these numbers are positive or just average or what!

Any help from Blogland would be appreciated!! Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!! :)

Comments Fixed!

Hi All! Didn't realize my "comments" function wasn't working on my old blog template! I'm sure you all had so much to's fixed now, so feel free to comment away! The new template might not be as "purdy" as the last one, but at least this one works! :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

CD1....The Journey Begins.... body still hates BCP's and has punished me with my period 1 week early....fantastic! Ha! Oh well...glad the swimmers arrived on Wednesday, because apparently our timeline has just been moved up a little! I'll be getting probed and having blood drawn on Sunday to see if I'm good to go on the Clomid. Let the fun begin...I already warned my lovely wife that one of the possible side effects is uncontrollable bitchiness, to which she suggested we communicate via text messages and emoticons for cycle days 3-9....LOL. The support is overwhelming.... ;)

On a side note.....I'm so excited to have 3 blog followers!! Welcome all!! I will try to keep all three of you as entertained as possible! Ha!

I'll post again on Sunday and let everyone know what's shakin' in my uterus....I'm sure you'll all barely be able to sleep between now and then due to the excitement. Try to contain yourselves... :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad....bad...little blogger... much for blogging on a consistent's been 2+ weeks! Sorry to all of my followers...although at this point I think I am follower-less :(. Starting to feel like I'm back in high school eating lunch in my chorus teachers room 'cause no one wanted to be my friend....sigh...another topic for another post....LOL.

So time marches on and so does our journey in TTC land! Here's what went on during our brief commercial break...

* Prometrium went well and AF arrived even before I was completely finished with the pills! Yippee!

* I started taking the dreaded BCP's...but luckily have had no side effects so far! Yay!

* I scheduled and underwent my HSG, but not before practically having a nervous breakdown worrying about it beforehand! Ha! A note to all of those out there who are facing an impending HSG: Get a good doctor, take some good drugs (I had Valium and some Tylenol), and don't worry about it! I read at least 100 internet postings about how HORRIBLE and PAINFUL it would be and I had myself so worked into a frenzy that I think I lost about 5 lbs. due to my "nervous stomach"...HA! It was a breeze! Some mild cramping, but nothing worse than what comes with AF, and it was over in about 5-10 mins! And the best news is....the tubes are in great shape and totally clear!! Our doc said they look "textbook perfect"....I have to say this made me proud! Ha! I knew I could grow a nice pair of tubes! ;)

* So when we arrived home, we promptly ordered 4 units of the best, most manly and fierce swimmers on the planet from Fairfax! The donor is a military guy, so I can only imagine that these spermies will each come equipped with tiny sperm Humvees and GPS targeted on the egg or eggs that roll down those perfect tubes of mine....heeheehee....a girl can dream right?

Anyways -- so that's where we're at right now. Papa-cicles will arrive at our clinic next Wednesday and lay in wait until mid-March for our "big day". Can we say "Thank God" for a RE clinic with its own storage facility that stores for FREE if you're an active patient?? I love our RE clinic!!

And with that positive note, I'd also like to send some good thoughts and prayers to our good friend Carey, who recommended the wonderful RE doc to us and has been doing battle with the infertility demons for a few years now :(. She lost one of her twins today and I can't imagine the sadness she and her partner are feeling. If anyone out there is reading this, please keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers as she fights to keep baby "B" safe and cozy in her belly for the next 4 months!! You can do it girl! Our future baby is going to need a friend!! :)