The Road to the Baby Boo...

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, February 19, 2010

CD1....The Journey Begins.... body still hates BCP's and has punished me with my period 1 week early....fantastic! Ha! Oh well...glad the swimmers arrived on Wednesday, because apparently our timeline has just been moved up a little! I'll be getting probed and having blood drawn on Sunday to see if I'm good to go on the Clomid. Let the fun begin...I already warned my lovely wife that one of the possible side effects is uncontrollable bitchiness, to which she suggested we communicate via text messages and emoticons for cycle days 3-9....LOL. The support is overwhelming.... ;)

On a side note.....I'm so excited to have 3 blog followers!! Welcome all!! I will try to keep all three of you as entertained as possible! Ha!

I'll post again on Sunday and let everyone know what's shakin' in my uterus....I'm sure you'll all barely be able to sleep between now and then due to the excitement. Try to contain yourselves... :)