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Monday, January 25, 2010

A Little Bit of Good News

When I went to see my RE this past time, she did a bunch of blood work and tested my AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) to see how my egg reserve was doing. It can also be an indicator of severity of PCOS. Levels less than 1 are not good and are indicative of low fertility due to low egg reserve, usually seen in older women. Levels over 3.5 are indicative of PCOS and studies suggest that people with levels greater than 3.5 are more at risk for developing cysts and ovarian hyperstimulation when fertility meds are used. My level came back at 2.25, which is good and suggests that I might not have PCOS, or if I do have PCOS, it might be a fairly mild case! :) Yay....always good to get some good news!

In other news...I'm on day 5 of 10 of the Prometrium and already I feel so much better on it than last month when I took Provera! Maybe the RE was right and Prometrium does work better because it's natural instead of the synthetic Provera. Whatever the difference is caused by, it's A-OK by me -- I'm not nearly as bloated, bitchy, and exhausted! My wife appreciates this....LOL. Thanks Prometrium! :)