Well, officially "not preggers" this month over here!
Three days after stopping the progesterone gel (aka nastiest crap in the world), AF is rearing her ugly head. Oh well...I've got to say, the worst time of the cycle for me is between the BFN and AF's arrival, so I'm glad to be over that part and headed towards another try. This is the one that's going to work....I just know it.
But if for some reason it doesn't, we've got a consultation with the RE coming up on the 17th to discuss future options. I think B and I have come to accept that IVF might give us the best and most immediate chance at starting our family, and since I'm only 31 and she's 32, our chances are pretty good. We just need figure out finances, insurance, and a plan.
Of course we're hoping that IUI #3 will seal the deal, and we can reserve the complicated stuff for me getting pregnant with B's baby! :)
Good luck to everyone else in the TWW! I'll be checking back in soon!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Third Time Is A Charm....
Posted by Suz at 11:25 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
No...not that kind of "quickie", but just as satisfying....lol....or not.
Two announcements....
1. I got the job! Yay!! I am now a human resources coordinator with a local non-profit! :) I gave my two week notice today and my boss was thankfully very nice about it, so that took a lot of the stress out of the situation.
2. We did IUI last Thursday and I started on progesterone gel tonight...I'm sure that's going to be a little slice of Heaven....ummm yeah....anyways, I just hope I don't end up with a yeast infection or major irritation. My "downstairs" skin is unbelievably sensitive. Looking at it cross-eyed results in the worst yeast infection known to man, so we'll see how this goes! If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, our kid better appreciate everything we've gone thru! Ha!
Have a great week everyone!
Posted by Suz at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Job, Progesterone Gel
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A swollen mouth and lots of nice eggs...
Aloha! Well it's CD12 in our household, so my lovely wife dragged my swollen and drugged body to the RE's office for my weekly probing. Apparently my follies love general anesthesia and lots of hydrocodone because I've produced a couple lovely eggs this time around.
Here are my stats....
LEFT OVARY: Decided to "play along this cycle" and grew me a nice 18, 14, and a couple smaller ones.
RIGHT OVARY: Grew me 2 14's, a couple 12's, and some little guys.
So hopefully we'll get a couple nice juicy eggs by insem day! I'm supposed to go back in tomorrow to repeat bloodwork to figure out when to take the Ovidrel. Can't believe we're at this stage again -- this past month has gone so fast!
I had my wisdom teeth taken out last Friday and that was an experience! I'm doing OK now, but still pretty sore and swollen. B has been taking good care of me, and still finds me foxy despite the fact that I look like a chipmunk....ha!
Pain meds and sleep are calling my name....I'll check in later in the week! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Posted by Suz at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: CD12, Wisdom teeth